Hittite Cult Inventories

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Citatio: M. Cammarosano (ed.), hethiter.net/: CTH 529.22 (INTR 2020-04-17)

Cult inventory

(CTH 529.22)

Textual tradition



KBo 26.178

Basis of the edition

The present edition is based on the photographs available at the Mainzer Photoarchiv of the Hethitologie Portal Mainz, as well as the available hand-copies and relevant secondary literature up to 2019. When the original manuscripts have been collated, this is noted in the commentary.


This tablet preserves a list of offerings in very fragmentary context in the first column, and (part of?) a colophon containing a list of festivals in the fourth column, followed by the statement according to which the officer Šantakuruntiya “prepared/arranged” the tablet “in front” of the king. As has been argued by G. Torri (2010: 325-26), the Great King of this tablet can be safely identified with Tudḫaliya IV, and Šantakuruntiya with the officer known from other Late Empire sources, in particular with the homonymous officer who is mentioned in the cult inventory and scribal exercise KUB 46.34. Like KUB 46.34, KBo 26.178 shows nonstandard, erudite sign variants, and indeed, the former tablet may even served as a “training” surface for the latter one (Torri 2010: 326; see commentary on KUB 46.34 as well). For lists of festivals comparable to the one attested in this colophon, see Torri 2010: 325 fn. 35 and Cammarosano 2018: 106-107.

Palaeography and orthography: See Torri 2010: 326 and commentary on KUB 46.34.

iv 2′: Which festival is referred to here is uncertain: ḫarpaš, ḫarpiyaš or ḫarpiya, see Cammarosano 2018: 137 (differently Torri 2010: 325).

iv 7′-8′: See already Torri 2010: 325.

CC BY-SA 4.0 Michele Cammarosano | Produced as part of the research project Critical edition, digital publication, and systematic analysis of the Hittite cult-inventories (CTH 501-530), funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) – project number 298302760, 2016–2020.

☛ Abbreviations, Symbols, and Bibliography

☛ Hittite Local Cults Database

Editio ultima: 2020-04-17

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